Server Wiki

Looking to learn how to play? We got you covered.

What Are Tokens?

Tokens are ingame currency, just like money. To see how many tokens you have, type /stats or /tokens. You can use tokens to buy things. To spend a token on things like weapons, type /token

How To Get Money?

You can get money through different methods, such as completing races, reaction tests, and playing other players in deatmatches. There are many ways!


How To Level Up?

Players can level up in the game through completing races, doing reaction tests, playing minigames, and more. Once you reach the max level you will get an award!


How Do Minigames Work?

Minigames are automatically started all the time. We have minigames such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Races, Survival, and more.


What About Properties?

Properties are a good way to make money. Once you have enough money, you can buy multiple properties. They will then generate revenue, and tokens.



SA-MP Vehicle Colors

You can set your vehicle color with /cc (/colorcar)